File System – Status Icons

In the Status column of the file listing are various icons that have different meanings.  Below is a brief summary of each icon and what they mean:




The file is currently available for check out and has not been modified from its original state


Available, Revised

The file is currently available for check out and has been modified from its original version.


Available, Redlined

The file has been commented on.  Can be a suggestion for improvement or a short description of a revision.


Available, Revised, Redlined

The file is available for check out, has been modified from its original version and there is a redline (comment) associated with it.


Available, Read-Only

The file is currently available for check out and is Read-Only so no changes/revisions can be made.


Available, Read-Only, Redlined

The file is currently available for check out, is Read-Only and there is a redline (comment) associated with the file.


Available, Read-Only, Revised

The file is available for check out, is Read-Only and has been modified from its original version.


Available, Read-Only, Revised, Redlined

The file is available for check out, is Read-Only, has been modified from its original version and there is a redline (comment) associated with the file.


Checked Out

The file is currently checked out by another user.


Checked Out, Revised

The file is currently checked out by another user and has been modified from its original state.


Checked Out, Redlined

The file is checked out and has a redline (comment) associated with it.


Checked Out, Revised, Redlined

The file is checked out, modified from its original version and has a redline (comment) associated with it.



Checked Out, Read-Only

The file is checked out and is Read-Only.


Checked Out, Read-Only, Revised

The file is checked out, is Read-Only and has been modified from its original state.


Checked Out, Read-Only, Redlined

The file is checked out, Read-Only and has a redline (comment) associated with it.


Checked Out, Read-Only, Revised, Redlined

The file is checked out, Read-Only, modified from its original version and has a redline (comment) associated with it.



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