RFI System

What is an RFI?

          An RFI is a "Request For Information," it is an organization-focused specific question that requires a precise, documented response.  It is not a message board or person-specific email solution.


Viewing the RFI Listings

          To view an RFI listing, a project must first be chosen; This project must be a project in which you are a member of.  After choosing a project, click the "Request for Information" link located in the "Project Member" section of the page or click the RFI link at the top of the page.  A list of RFI's will then be shown for that project.



Any "Open" RFI's will appear before any "Closed" RFI's in this list.  An RFI is "Open" until it is closed by clicking on the "Close RFI" link on the RFI Listings page.  The "Close RFI" link only shows up for people with permission to close the RFI.  People specified in the To:, people specified in the CC: and a project administrator can close an RFI


Adding a New RFI

           A new RFI can be added by clicking the "Add a new RFI" link located below the RFI listing.  When this link is selected a form will appear for adding a new RFI.



Summary of fields

From - the organization you represent on this RFI

On behalf of - the organization the RFI is being submitted for

To - the organization the RFI is being submitted to (these people can answer the RFI)

CC - other people who you wish to notify about the RFI (these people can also answer the RFI)

Posted Date - the date the RFI is created

Bid Package - the first number preceding the "-" in the RFI number

Subject - the topic the RFI is about

Date Required - the date a reply is required for the RFI


Open - a reply is requested, these will produce email notifications to all parties capable of answering the RFI.

Closed - a reply is not requested, may be done for simply logging an RFI

Question - the question that needs to be asked

Add Attachment - this will allow you to attach a file before submitting the RFI.  The file must have already been uploaded to ProjectGrid.com.


Viewing and Replying to an RFI

          Clicking on the Subject or the  RFI number will bring up the RFI for viewing or replying.  All RFI's in the listing are available for viewing, if the RFI has an "Open" status the option to reply to the RFI will also be available.



To reply to an Open RFI, simply fill in the text area labeled "Answer" and click the submit button.  Only people in the addressed organization or people CC'ed on the rfi can post a comment/reply.  Multiple replies from multiple people on this list can be possible since the replies are just concatenated onto the Answer.  The RFI is not closed until someone with the proper permissions explicitly closes the rfi from the rfi listing page.  People specified in the To:, CC: and a project administrator can close an RFI.


Adding Files to an Open RFI

          A file can be attached to an RFI by using the "Rename/Edit/Delete" icon   located in the Files section of ProjectGrid.  After the file to be attached has been located, click the "Rename/Edit/Delete" icon to bring up the editing options for the file.


The "Attach this file to open RFI:" option is located near the bottom of the page.  Click the checkbox next to the option to indicate the file is to be attached to an RFI.  Then select the RFI the file is to be attached to from the pull-down menu located to the right.  Click the submit button and the file is attached to the RFI.


A file can also be attached to an RFI from the "Adding a New RFI" screen, by clicking the "Add Attachment" button.


RFI Log - Printable view of RFIs.

          The RFI log can be requested by clicking on the "Get an RFI log PDF" link located above and below the RFI listing.  This will give you a preview of the RFI log, similar to the following:



If you wish to generate a printable PDF of the RFI log, then click 'Generate PDF'.    This will bring up a screen where you can choose a folder and a file name for the PDF.



Choose Browse to choose a folder, and then choose Submit.  After about 5 minutes, you will receive an email indicating that the PDF has been generated, and providing a link to view and print the PDF.



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